Delta to next: 53 D_10:37:58 (seconds total: 4617478) (37) (10)
262 (10) (1) Epoch: 1512452756 (38) (2) Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/2017 00:45:56 ID: cc0116
8chan/cbts: 35166Q Clock [ Min: 58 | :25/:55 Mir: 52 | 180 Mir: 28 | :35/:05 Mir: 12 ]
RED RED stringer 25th.
Hussein RED video 27th (response).
Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.
More than one meaning.
Hussein RED Indictments variables.
Think circle.
Expand your thinking.
Take multiple paths.
One connects to another.
Learn to read the map.
The map is the key.
Find the keystone.
What holds everything together?