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Anonymous 03/06/2018 01:06:57 ID:50da5c 8chan/qresearch: 563781

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Why is steel so important? Let's look where steel -was- produced in our country. These cities are blue strongholds, still, and many are located around areas of poor minorities, since mills closed and wealth left the area. If Trump brings these people back in to work he can effectively eliminate blue-collar/poor black democrat areas.
Delta to Reply: 0 D_00:19:28 (seconds total: 1168) (16) (7)
Epoch: 1520316610 (25) (7)
Anonymous 03/06/2018 01:10:10 ID:4cb238 8chan/qresearch: 563824
Steel is important to Defense Dept for weapons, planes, ships, tanks, satellites etc., and for GNP output such as Automobile plants, and steel is important for infrastructure rebuilding.